
Sabtu, 06 November 2010

Spare Time and To-Do List

Saturday, suppose to be free after a busy week, but exception for me. I still have a long list of 'what to-do's. 

List that I made yesterday

  • Monday: 2 Chapter for Religion test and Vocabulary test
  • Tuesday: Social test
  • Thursday: Final examination for Mandarin
  • Next Monday: Deadline for Mathematics Project
  • Next Tuesday: Essay test for Biology

Sigh, I couldn't believe I'll through this crazy schedule soon after my weekend ended. But I should enjoy it, I must do this tasks with pleasure, I shouldn't complain about it. I'm lucky enough my parents put me in a good school, I'm fortunate enough I can get an education, many children not as lucky as me right!? Anyway, for the first time since my end of term holiday ended, I drew, yes I drew today at my spare time.

My drawing, not as good as olden time, lack of practice

Old drawing

I hope my hands will produce a better drawing which I must increase time for practice! Happy Saturday, Happy weekend, and last Happy Deepvali!

2 komentar:

Irene Melia Puspita mengatakan...

ahh angie, gue baru tau lu punya blog :D
u've nice blog here, nice drawing ngie mau dong digambar juga ntar gue post ke blog :p
keep blogging, i've follow ur blog, mind to folback? :)

Yannie mengatakan...

Angie, you are so talented in drawing. Good that you have a check list on what to do. Have a good rest if you think you need to, then only you can have more energy to finish all the things to do. Best of luck from Aunty Yan.

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