
Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Showing Tantrum

I didn't go anywhere last Saturday, but this wasn't a thing that made my tantrum showed up. On Saturday night, I asked somebody inside my home if we can go to a morning session for tomorrow church. Why? Because I wanted to go to Taman Anggrek Mal (which is far from my home, if we attend evening session, we can't go there) and buy 2 books that I needed to finish my school tasks. TAM has a big complete bookstore, I couldn't find books I wanted in the malls near my home, so that was why I chose TAM. Somebody said OK. Great, I felt relief because I didn't have many times left to finish my tasks since we will go to Singapore in 23 December. But on Sunday morning, I woke up because another somebody asked me this silly thing that I obviously would say NO over it, "Jie, may we go to evening session today ah?". I answered, "No, we may not and we can't!". But that annoying somebody insisted that we should go to evening session and somebody told my Dad, "Just go to evening session!". Poorly somebody won. Somebody just wanted to go to evening session so that somebody could have a longer time to play around with friends. I felt so sulky and angry. One, I got a promise on Saturday night that we would go to morning session -- and I hate a broken promise more than anything. Two, as if my school tasks weren't so important rather than a silly wish to get longer playtime. Three, I had to suffer because somebody and friends made a damn unpleasant noise all day long. Four, I should had one more night thinking if my tasks will be finished on time -- because I don't want any disturber flying over my head during trip to Singapore. I got really mad that day -- I hate hormones made me lost control -- and showing up tantrum till nobody brave enough to stand beside me -- except my Ma who still asked many crazy questions and got fierce answers. I wanted to cry desperately at the end of the day, which I did.

Thank God, I'm over it. Today I went to TAM with my Ma. I got the books I wanted. I even received more, a J.COOL yogurt. Okay, I really love yogurt like seriously!

A mystery romance novel, Oliver Twist book for making drama script, rest of it are Guidance to Draw Chibi books

Yummy yogurt but I still prefer Sour Sally actually :D

4 komentar:

Alice Law mengatakan...

Well, we do get mad over something but it won't do any good to us, specially to our health. So it's better to keep cool and always keep your beautiful smile on!^-^

Glad that everything is over, nice yogurt!

Mommy to Chumsy mengatakan...

we are only humans :) i get mad all the time...hahahahahahaha. i don't like my schedule to be upsetted too. glad all is fine now.

Small Kucing mengatakan...

Amanda Quick book for home work?

All well that ends well...if you have gone on Sunday morning session, maybe you wont get the yogurt

Angie mengatakan...

Aunty alice:

Yeah my mum said so. But its fine now. I will learn to be more patience next time,sigh. Thanks aunty!

Aunty barb:

Yeah I hate if my schedule be ruined but as u said only human ah, still have anger and limit for patience hahahaha


No lah haha but the rest of it definitely yes. For drama script n yearbook illustration. Yeah that is the good I got yogurt lol

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